Friday, January 27, 2012

A new beginning...

This could be quite lengthy...I'm not very good at being short (except in stature!) or succinct.
Or particularly eloquent!

"The only journey is the journey within"
Rainer Maria Rilke

I am so glad we are never too old to learn.
To learn from our parents.
To learn from our family.
To learn from our friends.
To learn from our mistakes.

Sometimes learning is just. plain. hard.  But we don't grow if we're not willing to learn.  And to change.

And that is what my new direction is all about.
The change I have had within my life.  Within my heart.  Within my soul.

And the change for my photography.

I'll rewind a little here...
For the past 2 years I have spent a lot of time doing photography courses, meeting wonderful, sharing, kind photographers.  In December 2010 I decided to get a bit more serious about my photography.  It was time for a logo, a facebook page...and some clients!

Mistake #1:  I designed a logo/business card that I thought I 'should' have.  Not one that really represented me.
Mistake #2:  Every client that contacted me for a shoot, I took on.  Don't get me wrong...all my clients are wonderful!  But I realised that I had to learn to say no.  Taking photos quickly became a chore, and I lost my absolute love of photography.
Mistake #3:  I stressed every time I heard that I have to 'find my own style'.  You don't.  You don't have to find something you already have.  I know what sort of photos I that's my style!  It certainly doesn't mean I can't appreciate another photographer's work though.  Two of my favourite photographers have a style that is nothing like mine.

But perhaps I really shouldn't call any of these mistakes.  
They should be called experiences that helped me learn.

Fast forward 9 months, and with the unexpected passing of my dad, I took some time off.
To grieve.
To remember what is important to me.
And to re-focus.

The biggest lesson I learnt:  Memories are all you are left with.  Treasure them.

Around this time I met an amazing photographer, who's inner calm and peace moved me equally as much as what I learnt from her about photography.  She wisely shared that she has realised that, 'This is my journey, no-one else's'.
And then I began the wonderful Jinky Art's 'photographing your children inspiration', that inspired me to not only take photos of my own children, but to spend more time with them.
Add to this I was inspired to start a 365 Days of Grateful project.  It is amazing when you spend the time each day just looking for that day's moment of gratefulness just how many moments there truly are.

All of these moments combined caused a bucketload of ideas and inspiration to float around in my head.  Until one day I just knew.  I knew what I wanted to do.


Create a business that MEANS something to me.
And will create treasured memories.

First step was a new name.  One that I could connect with.  That meant something to me.  That is me.
Bellakee J Photography is it.

Then I wanted to create a brand that best represented me...I like earthy, natural, textures.  And I cannot thank Krystal from Orphan Design enough for her creativity and her patience with getting my logo just right!

Next step.  Work out who I want to photograph.  And I did.
* Births 
* Newborns 
* Cancer/Leukaemia
* Elderly 

Moments where I can share in the emotion and love that we all have.  Heartwarming moments.  And sometimes sad moments.

Don't get me wrong...I LOVE pretty pictures.  And I will still take some of my children.  But it's the moments that bring tears of joy, love and sorrow through the journey of life that I want to be capturing.

This is the beginning of my new journey.
Join me:-)

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